Saturday, 22 Feb 2025 The di Tota families of Campobasso, Molise, Italy   
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Last Name (Surname)

Google Your Family Tree - Award Winning Book for Genealogy

Google Your Family Tree
Award Winning
Online Genealogy Book
by Daniel M. Lynch

di Tota

Passenger Arrival Records — di Tota, Ditoto

This section is designed to share information on all Italian immigrants with the surname 'di Tota' or 'di Toto' or other variants. Of particular interest will be those who at one time were known to reside in/around Campobasso, Italy. While a great deal of research has been done regarding this surname in America, it is believed, but not known with certainty if others set out for Australia, South America or other destinations throughout the world. Anyone with information they'd like to share is encouraged to contact us.

View summary for 'di Tota' or 'Ditota'
View summary for 'di Toto' or 'Ditoto' or 'Di Totto'
View summary for 'di Toro' or 'Ditoro' or 'Di Torro'
View summary for other related spellings (Campobasso)
View summary for 'Orsatti' and 'Orzatti'

Passenger Name
Last Place of Residence Approx
Year of
Age on
Di Tota, DomenicoCampobasso1884190622View Detail

Description of Data Fields
For each arrival record, there are five separate data fields to help you identify a potential ancestor. Once you have found a potential match, click on 'View Detail' to be taken to and directly to the respective passenger record. The first link will require you to sign in, but subsequent links will be to the passenger record. The original manifest can have more than a dozen additional data fields and should be carefully inspected to advance your research.

Passenger Name: Listed as surname (last name), followed by given name (first name). In most cases, the spelling is as it appears on the passenger manifest.

Last Place of Residence: This is the name of the village, town, region, or country as noted on the passenger manifest. Since passengers sometimes made multiple trips, you may find the residence listed as 'United States' instead of somewhere in Italy.

Approx YOB: This field is 'Approximate Year of Birth' and is a calculation of 'Year of Arrival' less 'Age at Arrival' as listed on the manifest. Depending upon the month of birth and month of arrival, this field can be one year more of less than the actual year of birth.

Year of Arrival: The year of arrival for the passenger ship as listed on the original manifest.

Age on Arrival: The age of the passenger upon their arrival as listed on the original manifest.

Note: Spelling for passenger or residence may appear slightly different than on this site. This is due to corrections that users may have submitted to Ellis Island after these records were extracted and published.

Follow this link to research other names or to inspect the arrivals through the port of New York at Ellis Island for yourself. To view a record, you will need to be a registered visitor of the Web site. Registration is free and you are encouraged to visit the site often.

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